In spite of the fact that the number of bankruptcy filings is on the rise, many who file still do not know their bankruptcy rights. Beyond just knowing how to declare bankruptcy, it is also important to know what your financial obligations are after you have filed. Many find that though their debts have been discharged, they are still bothered by debt collection agencies and continue to receive bills that they are no longer required to pay. There are a number of places that offer good information on how bankruptcy will affect your credit, how it will impact your ability to borrow money in the future, and other long and short term consequences.
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Before you file, consider contacting an agency or non-profit that offers financial consulting advice. Company professionals can help look through your financial information, including the amount of money that you earn and the amount that you owe and determine whether filing for bankruptcy is your best option. These services will sometimes come at a cost, but they can end up saving you money in the long run. If they do determine that bankruptcy is the best option, company representatives may be able to help you with the filing itself.
Bankruptcy attorneys are another source of real information on the legal process of declaring bankruptcy as well as your rights after you have filed. There are a number of online databases that offer information on local attorneys specializing in this field. Keep in mind that they generally do not consult clients on budgeting tactics or other methods of getting their finances back on track, but they will be invaluable in terms of ensuring that your rights are respected by debt collection agencies.
It is possible to file for bankruptcy yourself, without hiring any outside professionals. While this can save hundreds or thousands in fees, it does require that filers be willing to do their own research. Guides written by experts are available online that give step by step advice on how to file for bankruptcy. By following this advice, many have successfully navigated the legal process on their own.
Knowing your rights in bankruptcy before making the decision to file will help to protect you and your family and ensure that you are making an informed decision.
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