Running into financial difficulties is one of the hardest things to deal with in life. If things get bad, you will sooner or later face the question - should I file bankruptcy?
The first thing to understand is there is no simple answer to this question. On one hand, most of us are honorably people who want to fulfill our obligations. On the other, it can sometimes seem like there is simply no way out of the debt. So, how do you make the decision?
The first step is to understand that the question is one faced by millions. In these times in particular, people are losing their jobs, their savings, their homes and much, much more. Some have a medical emergency that swamps them with bills they can't pay. The reasons for financial problems are endless. When this happens, bankruptcy is an inevitable option and one many are taking.
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The second step you should take is to sit down with a bankruptcy attorney. You don't have to hire them, but you can ask them what is involved and a likely resolution. People often get themselves so worked up over imagined outcomes which simply are not going to happen. Take the time to educate yourself regarding the process so you can make an informed decision regarding what to do.
The third step is really just more of an issue. Simply put, filing bankruptcy is embarrassing. What if your friends, neighbors and family find out? Well, how are they going to know if you don't say anything? If you own a home, you are most likely going to have to move out. Other than that, it is hard to imagine the filing being discovered. It is a public document at the court house, but when was the last time anyone you know went down to the federal court to browse bankruptcy filings?!
If you make the decision to file bankruptcy, I can tell you one thing that will definitely happen. You will feel a huge sense of relief. The relief doesn't really come from the fact you are walking away from the debt. Instead, it is more a sense of taking action to put an end to the misery.
Filing bankruptcy will eliminate or slash your debt. That being said, it is not something you want to do twice. You should take this as a big lesson regarding living beyond your means. You don't want to make the same mistake twice.
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